April - May 2019

As I am sure many of you have heard, the Federal Government has implemented sweeping Chinook salmon closures across the South Coast of BC to reduce the impact on returning Fraser River Chinook stocks of concern.

Nearshore Westcoast Vancouver Island waters to remain open this spring - the science is clear.

As near-shore Westcoast Vancouver Island fisheries were shown to have zero impact on early run Fraser River Chinook by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) modeling, Area 24 (Tofino - Clayoquot Sound) up to 1 nautical mile offshore will remain open and status quo to Chinook fishing for the Public Fishery and First Nations food, social and ceremonial (FSC) fisheries.

Despite extremely minimal impacts to Fraser Chinook by the Public Fishery in offshore waters during early Fraser run timing (beyond 1nm seaward of the surf line) DFO has imposed a Chinook non-retention regulation until July 14th, 2019.
Normal regulations, 2 per day, 4 in possession will resume July 15th, 2019 in Offshore waters. For further details regarding regulations please consult the DFO website of give us a call.

As it stands the Public Fishery in the Tofino area will continue to have an excellent range of options for both guided and unguided anglers during the entirety of the 2019 season. Salmon are the backbone of our fishery, however halibut, lingcod, rockfish, crab, prawn and tuna are also popular with anglers.

We appreciate your continued support.

Lochie MacKenzie
Tofino Fish Guides Ltd, Owner/ head guide
West Coast Fishing Guide Association, Member/ Director
Area 24 DFO Sport Fishing Advisory Committee, Chair
Clayoquot Salmon Roundtable, Public Fishery representative

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